Resource Directory

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Filtering By: Region, Harvesting
July 19, 2024

Cotton Yield Maps

This eight-page document provides background material on cotton yield monitors and then provides five case studies where yield monitors have been a valuable tool for precision management.

May 1, 2022

Planting and Harvesting Capacity in Cotton Production

This brief document is designed to provide cotton producers and researchers with estimates of planting and harvesting machine capacities. Different variables and scenarios are evaluated and explained to assist with determining the number of acres that can be planted and/or harvested in a given year.

April 1, 2022

Module Feeder Inspection System for Plastic Contamination: Alternative Design

This report describes the design and operation of an module feeder inspection system that provides ginners an instantaneous view of the dispersing cylinders in a cotton gin module feeder.  This is an alternative design to a previously published report.  Images are provided by network IP cameras installed in the back wall of a module feeder […]

November 29, 2021

Cotton Harvest Data Download Utility V2

UPDATED June, 2021 for new security protocols and minor bug fix update on August 15, 2022. Newer cotton harvesters from John Deere have the option of directly transmitting module serial numbers and other associated information directly to the “MyJohnDeere” website in the form of a Harvest ID files. The Cotton Harvest File Download Utility may […]

August 10, 2021

Using Bolls to Determine Defoliation Timing

In this two minute video, University of Tennessee Cotton Specialist Tyson Raper explains how to use the uppermost harvestable boll to determine defoliation timing.

March 19, 2021

Prevention of Plastic Contamination When Handling Round Modules

This document provides growers, module handlers and ginners recommendations on handling round modules from the field to the gin with a goal of eliminating plastic contamination in U.S. cotton.

March 19, 2021

Camera System to Detect Plastic in Module Feeder

This report details a simple, low-cost module-feeder camera system that gives ginners a real-time view of the module feeder’s dispersing cylinder. Similar inspection systems can be more widely used to rapidly identify when plastic gets onto the cotton module’s dispersing cylinders so that crews can remove it before it shreds and disperses.

March 19, 2021

Sensor-Based Variable Rate Application for Cotton

This eight-page document provides general background on sensor-based applications and provides examples of how to use equipment-mounted sensors for real-time control of plant growth regulators, harvest aids and nitrogen.

February 19, 2021

Prevention of Plastic Contamination

This video is intended to educate producers and gins on how to best handle and gin round modules while preventing plastic contamination from the module wrap.

February 19, 2021

RFID Cotton Module Scan App

This Android-only application allows cotton modules in the field to be scanned into a load list. Scans for multiple farms and fields may be created, saved, and returned to at any time. It can also be emailed.

February 19, 2021

Cotton Info App for Android Tablets

The Cotton Info App is a collection of reference materials specially designed for growers, consultants and extension workers who may not have good cellular connectivity. All materials are stored on the user’s Android tablet. (An Apple iPad version is also available.)

February 19, 2021

Field to Market®

Field to Market® provides outcomes-based measurement tools and resources to help growers continuously improve their sustainability performance and their marketability.