Tap directly into the extensive research library of Cotton Incorporated. Here, you can filter your results by category, sort them by date and select your preferred media type to streamline the resources you see.
Contamination from plastic can have a range of serious and costly effects, and it can arise from something as simple as a plastic bag floating through a cotton field during harvest. It can also have negative environmental impacts as discussed in this two page document.
This USDA funded website allows you to select three goals for the cover crop and will then recommend various cover crops that best match those goals based on your location, cash crop, and soil type. It takes less than 5 minutes to enter the required information and get a recommendation. The site currently supports all […]
This brochure reminds producers of the importance of harvesting cotton at proper moisture content (less than 12%) and what the potential costs are if they do not. The brochure also discusses how to determine when it is safe to harvest if a moisture meter is not available.
The National Cotton Ginners recommends these safe tie-down procedures for transporting round modules.
This 38-page reference document covers key areas in maintaining spindle harvesters (pickers) and tips for efficient operation.
This web page provides links to various software tools and educational information on the use of RFID (radio frequency identification) tags.
This Cotton Incorporated web page is a hub for information about the different types of cotton harvest systems, seed cotton handling storage and cotton module traceability.
Applying the correct module marking ink at harvest is important to preventing contamination. This report examines the potential for four different sprays to result in contamination at the textile mill.
This 22-page PDF provides information on how to maintain and efficiently operate stripper harvesters, including field cleaner tuning tips.
This reference document covers traditional module building, tarp maintenance and handling round and half-size cotton modules.
This eight-page document provides background material on cotton yield monitors and then provides five case studies where yield monitors have been a valuable tool for precision management.
Establishing a strong plant stand is the first step in achieving a productive cotton crop. This paper focuses on proper: 1) seed metering, 2) downforce settings, and 3) planting depth for your planting conditions including new options to automate these settings. A future paper will consider other advances in planter technology such as new seed […]