Tap directly into the extensive research library of Cotton Incorporated. Here, you can filter your results by category, sort them by date and select your preferred media type to streamline the resources you see.
Over the last 40 years the amount of irrigation water used by cotton in the United States has decreased while yields have increased leading to a large increase in crop water productivity (CWP). This detailed review article documents practices adopted by cotton producers that have led to this improvement was well as strategies to maintain […]
UPDATED June, 2021 for new security protocols and minor bug fix update on August 15, 2022. Newer cotton harvesters from John Deere have the option of directly transmitting module serial numbers and other associated information directly to the “MyJohnDeere” website in the form of a Harvest ID files. The Cotton Harvest File Download Utility may […]
Access performance data from 17 states that conduct cotton variety trials. Performance data includes lint yield, fiber quality traits and other important agronomic traits.
This document is composed of short summaries of multiple cotton research projects conducted in Arkansas during the 2018 crop season. Most projects were partially or wholly funded by Cotton Incorporated’s Arkansas State Support Program.
This document is composed of short summaries of multiple cotton research projects conducted in Arkansas during the 2019 crop season. Most projects were partially or wholly funded by Cotton Incorporated’s Arkansas State Support Program.
This document is composed of short summaries of multiple cotton research projects conducted in Arkansas during the 2020 crop season. Most projects were partially or wholly funded by Cotton Incorporated’s Arkansas State Support Program.
Integrated pest management agents across Texas contribute articles and insights to the Texas IPM Program’s newsletter and blog.
This web page gathers all cotton-related posts from the UTcrops News Blog, operated by the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture.
The Mississippi Crop Situation blog provides producers, consultants and industry within the state with up-to-date production and economic information to help maintain profitability.
This publication examines several methods for managing thrips related to cover crops, tillage, and foliar and novel insecticides. It also touches on predictive modeling for thrip infestations.
Twice-monthly webcasts address timely cotton management issues. This is a collaborative project between Cotton Incorporated and the Plant Management Network.
While a standard nitrogen recommendation for cotton has been 50-55 lbs. N/480 lb. bale, small-seeded, modern cotton cultivars might require less N than did those previously grown. A common experiment was conducted in ten states for two years.