Resource Directory

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Filtering By: Region, Far West
March 19, 2021

Cotton Crop Quality

This is the Cotton Incorporated hub for information related to U.S. cotton fiber quality, including a guide to the cotton properties legend, most planted varieties, and weekly and annual quality reports.

March 19, 2021

California Irrigation Management Information System (CIMIS)

CIMIS weather stations are distributed throughout California. The data from these stations can be used to help determine when cotton irrigation is needed.

March 19, 2021

Site-Specific Management of Cotton Root Rot Using Airborne and Satellite Imagery and Variable Rate Technology

This bulletin is an introduction to using aerial imagery to more economically manage cotton root rot, a highly virulent soil-borne disease. After reading this, growers may wish to consult with a retailer, distribution or precision data management specialist for assistance in translating aerial images into prescription-treatment application instructions for use by a variable rate applicator.

March 19, 2021

Prevention of Plastic Contamination When Handling Round Modules

This document provides growers, module handlers and ginners recommendations on handling round modules from the field to the gin with a goal of eliminating plastic contamination in U.S. cotton.

March 19, 2021

Camera System to Detect Plastic in Module Feeder

This report details a simple, low-cost module-feeder camera system that gives ginners a real-time view of the module feeder’s dispersing cylinder. Similar inspection systems can be more widely used to rapidly identify when plastic gets onto the cotton module’s dispersing cylinders so that crews can remove it before it shreds and disperses.

March 19, 2021

Stewardship of Herbicides

This presentation PDF outlines stewardship information and considerations for Auxin Traits and Herbicides.

March 19, 2021

Diagnosis and Management of Cotton Foliar Diseases in the United States

This four-page bulletin is packed with information and pictures depicting the most common cotton foliar diseases in the U.S. For each disease, learn about symptoms, management, diagnostic notes, range and how it affects yield.

March 19, 2021

Utility of Plant Growth Regulation in Cotton Production

Plant growth regulators (PGRs) are commonly used to manage vegetative growth in cotton. This report evaluates a variety of mepiquat chloride (MC) products and evaluates whether there are any additional benefits to their use.

March 19, 2021

Sensor-Based Variable Rate Application for Cotton

This eight-page document provides general background on sensor-based applications and provides examples of how to use equipment-mounted sensors for real-time control of plant growth regulators, harvest aids and nitrogen.

March 19, 2021

Managing Nematodes in Cotton-Based Cropping Systems

This four-page publication covers diagnosis and treatment options for root-knot, reniform, Columbia lance and sting nematodes.

March 19, 2021

Managing Herbicide Resistance in Cotton Cropping Systems

Herbicide-resistant weeds are a problem all growers must deal with. This four-page document reviews the cause of resistance and how to manage fields with herbicide-resistant weeds.

March 19, 2021

Cotton Root Disorders

This publication provides examples of root damage from herbicide injury, pathogens, chilling injury, soil compaction and fertilizer injury.