Tap directly into the extensive research library of Cotton Incorporated. Here, you can filter your results by category, sort them by date and select your preferred media type to streamline the resources you see.
Contamination from plastic can have a range of serious and costly effects, and it can arise from something as simple as a plastic bag floating through a cotton field during harvest. It can also have negative environmental impacts as discussed in this two page document.
Carbon markets to sell carbon offsets are now in place to help address greenhouse gas emissions. There are opportunities for farmers to participate in carbon markets and this document provides information on what should be considered before committing to any program. This 14-page report provides details and background information on carbon markets available and is […]
Carbon markets to sell carbon offsets are now in place to help address greenhouse gas emissions. There are opportunities for farmers to participate in carbon markets and this document provides information on what should be considered before committing to any program. This 5-page summary provides the most critical information and there is also a more […]
This document is composed of short summaries of multiple cotton research projects conducted in Arkansas during the 2018 crop season. Most projects were partially or wholly funded by Cotton Incorporated’s Arkansas State Support Program.
This document is composed of short summaries of multiple cotton research projects conducted in Arkansas during the 2019 crop season. Most projects were partially or wholly funded by Cotton Incorporated’s Arkansas State Support Program.
This document is composed of short summaries of multiple cotton research projects conducted in Arkansas during the 2020 crop season. Most projects were partially or wholly funded by Cotton Incorporated’s Arkansas State Support Program.
This resource provides the latest news and information from Arkansas’s experts on row crop production, including cotton, corn and soybeans.
This web page gathers all cotton-related posts from the UTcrops News Blog, operated by the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture.
The Mississippi Crop Situation blog provides producers, consultants and industry within the state with up-to-date production and economic information to help maintain profitability.
This publication examines several methods for managing thrips related to cover crops, tillage, and foliar and novel insecticides. It also touches on predictive modeling for thrip infestations.
Twice-monthly webcasts address timely cotton management issues. This is a collaborative project between Cotton Incorporated and the Plant Management Network.
The Center currently has 19 fixed weather stations and 20 seasonal stations. The Center provides historical and up-to-date weather data and products to aid farmers in making agricultural decisions.