Tap directly into the extensive research library of Cotton Incorporated. Here, you can filter your results by category, sort them by date and select your preferred media type to streamline the resources you see.
This resource for Arizona cotton producers includes links to current and past weather conditions for sites around the state, and crop reports.
Access data from Texas A&M weather stations across the state. The site includes information on reference evapotranspiration (ET) and local crop coefficients, plus it makes historic weather data available.
The Oklahoma Mesonet is a collection of 120 weather stations that cover the state. The Mesonet website provides tools to help growers take advantage of the weather data, for example, by improving irrigation management and drift prevention.
This publication provides a review of the research literature related to carbon sequestration under different cotton tillage systems. For conventional tillage systems, little soil carbon was stored; however, with no tillage 430 pounds of carbon per acre were stored, and with a cover crop, up to 600 pounds per acre. This information is useful for understanding […]
This publication from the Alabama Cooperative Extension Service provides insect, disease, nematode, and weed recommendations for 2021.
Access national daily, weekly and seasonal cotton quality reports, plus cotton prices, weekly market review and other reports.
Keep up to date on commodity loan rates, and access more information specifically related to the cotton loan program.
Access timely agricultural market analysis through daily market reports and commodity updates. Scroll down to find the listing of Ag Network podcasts.
This guide outlines an overall integrated pest management program for cotton growers and includes a Year-Round IPM Program Annual Checklist.
Get the latest updates on the Cotton Research and Promotion Program from the Cotton Board through their monthly e-newsletter.
Guides for production, pest management and budgeting, as well as cotton variety trial data, are a few of the resources included on this site for growers and crop advisors managing cotton in Missouri.
The University of Florida Extension System provides production information and a collection of cotton-related links to learn about variety selection tools, production practices and budgets.