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The GA Cotton Insect Advisor is an expert system for determining Extension-prescribed insecticide treatments for management of stink bug pests in Georgia and the Southeast.
This is two-page producer handout (a condensed version of the full FOV4 bulletin) describes how to identify the FOV4 disease and recommends ways to contain its local and long-range spread.
The Insect Control in Field Crops Manual, from Virginia Tech, includes a section dedicated to cotton.
The University of Georgia updates its cotton insect control recommendations annually. This 2020 commercial edition for cotton provides data for the types and amounts of insecticide for each different insect, and rates the efficacy for different insecticide/pest combinations.
The Pest Management Handbook is a set of recommendations developed by Clemson University Extension pest management specialists and university researchers for South Carolina growers. It covers a variety of crops, including cotton.
This publication provides a review of the research literature related to carbon sequestration under different cotton tillage systems. For conventional tillage systems, little soil carbon was stored; however, with no tillage 430 pounds of carbon per acre were stored, and with a cover crop, up to 600 pounds per acre. This information is useful for understanding […]
This publication illustrates how to place soil water sensors and interpret the data in order to improve cotton irrigation management and achieve both higher water use efficiency and higher yields.
This is the plant growth regulators section of the North Carolina Agricultural Chemicals Manual. In it, you’ll find chemical application amounts and commentaries, as well as a specific guide for the use of defoliants.
This is the insect control section of the North Carolina Agricultural Chemicals Manual. In it, you’ll find information on cotton insecticide applications and cotton insect resistance. This manual also includes a section to help growers better assess the risk of pesticides to honey bees.
This is the weed control section of the North Carolina Agricultural Chemicals Manual. In it, you’ll find information on cotton herbicide applications and weed responses to those herbicides.
This publication from the Alabama Cooperative Extension Service provides insect, disease, nematode, and weed recommendations for 2021.
This publication provides producers with an overview of the technologies available to schedule irrigation and key concepts related to water management for cotton grown in areas where rainfall provides a significant amount of the water requirements in most years.