Tap directly into the extensive research library of Cotton Incorporated. Here, you can filter your results by category, sort them by date and select your preferred media type to streamline the resources you see.
Find Arizona cotton-specific reports, including heat unit accumulation, real-time crop heat stress updates, crop water use, maturity dates to assist with harvest and information helpful for making planting decisions.
This guide outlines an overall integrated pest management program for cotton growers and includes a Year-Round IPM Program Annual Checklist.
Get the latest updates on the Cotton Research and Promotion Program from the Cotton Board through their monthly e-newsletter.
These cotton management resources from the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Service include links to apps and publications related to soil fertility, tillage, harvest aids, pest/disease management and more.
This page captures cotton-related announcements and production information from New Mexico State University.
The University of California Agronomy Research and Information Center provides growers with access to newsletters, production guidelines and variety trial results, among other resources.
This site provides good background on whole cottonseed as a feed ingredient, especially for dairy cows. It is also a place for cottonseed sellers and buyers to connect online.
This presentation guides Arizona growers and pest managers in implementing a comprehensive IPM program to effectively manage whiteflies and minimize risks of a sticky cotton problem.
Track fiber quality of U.S. cotton over time through this weekly report, which compares the week’s quality reports with the same time period during the previous year.
This presentation demonstrates the importance of managing whiteflies and aphids in California and Arizona to prevent sticky cotton, which harms a cotton growing area’s reputation for quality.
This unique analysis parses the latest events affecting the world cotton supply-and-demand situation and world cotton prices.
This web page supplies monthly cottonseed prices by region and supply/demand estimates.