Resource Directory

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April 19, 2021

Delta Agricultural Weather Center

The Center currently has 19 fixed weather stations and 20 seasonal stations. The Center provides historical and up-to-date weather data and products to aid farmers in making agricultural decisions.

April 19, 2021

Sprayer Calibration App

This free mobile app was created at Clemson University to aid in the proper calibration of spraying equipment. Android and iOS versions are available.

April 19, 2021

Mix My Sprayer

This app was created by Clemson University to aid with quick, accurate calculations of product mixes to be applied with spraying equipment. Use in conjunction with the Sprayer Calibration App or by itself. Android and iOS versions are available.

April 19, 2021

Missouri Crop Water Use App

The University of Missouri Extension Service developed this free irrigation phone app that uses the university’s network of electronic weather station around the state.

April 19, 2021

Cotton Irrigation in Tennessee

This publication from the University of Tennessee describes essential factors for effective irrigation decisions and describes the water balance method of keeping track of rainfall and irrigation. It also provides other supplemental irrigation resources.

April 19, 2021

Texas ET Network

Access data from Texas A&M weather stations across the state. The site includes information on reference evapotranspiration (ET) and local crop coefficients, plus it makes historic weather data available.

April 19, 2021

Oklahoma Mesonet

The Oklahoma Mesonet is a collection of 120 weather stations that cover the state. The Mesonet website provides tools to help growers take advantage of the weather data, for example, by improving irrigation management and drift prevention.

April 19, 2021

Missouri Irrigation Water Resources

This collection of tools from the University of Missouri is designed to help growers increase irrigation water use efficiency. The links include investment cost guides, water use estimators and information on pond design.

April 19, 2021

Identifying Nutrient Deficiency

This guide provides a quick visual reference to help growers identify nutrient deficiencies, and then supplies links for more detailed information about those deficiencies.

April 19, 2021

Arkansas Irrigation Tools

This collection of resources from the University of Arkansas covers a variety of irrigation scheduling methods and tools and strategies for improving the efficiency of furrow irrigation systems.

April 19, 2021

GA Cotton Insect Advisor – Apple App

The GA Cotton Insect Advisor is an expert system for determining Extension-prescribed insecticide treatments for management of stink bug pests in Georgia and the Southeast.

April 19, 2021

GA Cotton Insect Advisor – Android App

The GA Cotton Insect Advisor is an expert system for determining Extension-prescribed insecticide treatments for management of stink bug pests in Georgia and the Southeast.